When I started thinking about my bucket-list, the idea of swimming naked in the ocean quickly came to my mind. Why ? I don’t know how to say. This may represent for me a state of mind, a “free” and “rebellious” state of mind.
After validating it on my list, I started to wonder why I had never done it before at 35. It was not the opportunities that were missed, however. Especially for an extrovert like me. I think it is mostly related to the fear of what people may think at the moment. The entourage must play too.

Like all the experiences in my bucket-list. From the moment it is written, from the moment you speak about it openly, you modify the universe around you so that it happens.
« If you don’t talk about it, no one will help you »
During my trip with Nina, she asked me if I wanted to do experiences from my bucket-list during our 4 days together. I replied that “swimming naked in the ocean” was playable. Result: she knew it, I knew it and above all I put pressure on myself.
It was enough that the opportunity presented itself to take action: a beach with no one and the sunset in front of us (and 2 glasses of wine)