If you have subscribed to my “DailyMax” newsletter for a few months now, it is hard not to see the growing proportion of nutrition-related topics (here, there, again and again). Thanks to a “Reborn” challenge last May, I decided to take this subject seriously and take the time (really) to understand it.
The first thing I understood was how little we knew about nutrition. Worse, how blinded we are by strong convictions or “beliefs”. Even Worse, how we put foods in our mouths that “literally” destroy us slowly (like eating fish or dairy products).
We can only blame ourselves, but is it really our fault? I still remember being told, as a child, that “cow’s milk is good for your bones” or “white flesh fish are good for your brain”. When you know that it reduces your life expectancy more than anything else, it’s scary.
Feel free to take the red pill
Which I did. I got passionate about nutrition by applying my method (“HTAEWM”): making things measurable + testing it by myself. The results (photo below) speak for themselves. Less fat (16% to 13%) and more energy!
Except that my method is very “data-oriented” and that doesn’t fit everyone. Seeing that doesn’t fit at all. So, when a close friend asked me to help her with her weight loss. I told myself that it was time to find a method that was simple and easy to implement.
And better yet… a fun method to implement! Because as soon as we talk about weight loss, we immediately fall into the lexical field of pain, constraint and failure…

“Have fun losing weight”
How can you make your nutrition measurable without having to count calories? How can you incorporate new habits into your day without using your motivation? How can you change your nutrition without (precisely) changing everything? And above all, how to avoid being abandoned after a few days?
By asking myself all these questions, I told myself that the most obvious thing to do was to start by adding new habits whose effectiveness is scientifically proven and make their implementation measurable rather than their results.
Basically, if you go to the gym every day, I can’t tell you exactly when, but I can guarantee that one day you will be “in shape”. I am convinced that the same reasoning can be applied to nutrition. If you apply “good” new habits every day, then one day I cannot tell you when exactly, but you will reach your ideal weight.

So I mixed several proven concepts such as “1% better everyday” to the ” way of life ” app and all my recent readings on the subject.
The result is a gamification system (on excel) based on 12 simple and scientifically approved habits to apply every day, all without any obligation or constraint and without having to count or weigh anything.
12 “small” habits to change “everything”
- Weight yourself every morning
- Drink 1,75L (of water, tea, herbal tea,…)
- Zero eggs / milk / cheese
- Zero meat / fish
- Zero “free” sugar
- Zero alcohol
- Zero processed food
- Eat cruciferous vegetables
- Have a “pre-meal” at lunch / dinner
- 30/60min of “moderate” exercise
- Sleep 8 hours
- Fast 16 hours

How does it work?
First of all, I would like to make it clear that I am not a nutritionist (if you are looking for a good one, I recommend Charles Brumauld) but just a curious person who likes to test things by himself. This method works for me and I think it can also work for others, hence my desire to share it!
Important: the goal is not to try to implement all 12 habits at once! Trying to implement everything at once is doomed to failure. This method is here to help you become each day “a little better than the day before” by gradually increasing your score. The excel will allow you to see which habits are easy for you and which ones you resist, to try to correct them.
Just as no one is perfect, you will surely have days with a lower grade than the day before, and it doesn’t matter. Here we are looking for positive consistency rather than intensity.
Offer limited to the first 50
You fill out the form below and I will give you access to an excel created especially for you. I will limit the trial to 50 at first.
If you are among the first ones, then you will receive an email notification with access to your online excel. It will give you an estimated date of arrival of your target weight and an evolution of your progress as the game progresses.
Then it’s as easy as 1-2-3!
Every day, you try to apply these new habits in your life. The more you play the game, the more you increase your score for the day (from 0 to 1), the more likely you are to lose weight. At the end of the week, you will be able to see in one look if you are succeeding and which habits are resisting you the most.