Each year in France, one million patients need a blood transfusion or blood-derived medicines. The needs are daily (10,000 blood donations are needed every day) and have increased sharply over the past fifteen years.
Today, there is no treatment or synthetic drug capable of replacing human blood. This voluntary act is therefore irreplaceable.
At 35, I donate my blood for the first time. Better late than never, right ?

STEP 1> Go to the EFS website to find out if you are eligible for blood donation. Not everyone is! For example: you must be between 18 and 70 years old and weigh more than 50kgs.
STEP 2> Continue on the section “Where to give?” To find the nearest authorized center to you.
STEP 3> Make an appointment. Take a friend with you!
STEP 4> To go further, you can request a donor card and continue to give your blood regularly. Note that a minimum of 8 weeks must be respected between 2 blood donations, with a maximum of 6 donations per year for men and 4 for women.