Quite simply, because the opportunity presented itself! We were visiting the North Island of New Zealand when we saw the sign “Rainbow Falls”. A rainbow waterfall? Seriously?

A few minutes later, we arrive at the top of the waterfall. It is 27 meters high! When I look down, I see that a tourist has dropped the shorts to jump into the water. He is swimming in the direction of the waterfall.
I think aloud: “This is so cool, I have never swum under a natural waterfall in my life! “ Nina replies: “why not doing it now? “

When you get to the bottom, you realize the height. It’s really impressive from here. I hurry to take of my pants to prevent my brain from starting to wonder if it’s a good or a bad idea!
We then finished the visit with a nice walk along the river. A great moment and a new experience made on my bucket list!