Welcome to the DailyMax,

My name is Maxime Barbier, I’m 35 years old and I’ve been an entrepreneur for half of my life. After 7 years in the nightlife industry, I spent 10 years in the digital industry, or to be more specific, in the social media industry as Founder of the media group Vertical Station (75 employees, 18 million subscribers and 5000 video productions per year). A company sold in 2017 to the French National TV (TF1 / Unify group) which I officially left in October 2019.
The day after I left, I found myself with a big void in my days. I asked myself what I wanted to do with my life now, what I wanted to write in this new chapter. While having many coffees with strangers, I realized that many of us have buried our personal dreams and goals. I also found that the majority think they “have time” (contradictory to all the “I don’t have time” I heard). But in reality, life is so short (if I live 90 years, I have 660 months to live) and above all, we don’t know what tomorrow will be made of.
So I asked myself what I wanted to accomplish before I die. Two weeks later, here I am, with a bucket-list of 100 things to do. Instead of waiting for the “right time”, I decided to dedicate 2020 to myself and accomplish my bucket-list! This blog is a travel diary of my adventure. You will find my thoughts, my fears, my encounters and my feedbacks.